Pointer-5 Pointer Scale factor & increments

Pointer Scale Factor and Increments :

Variables of different type will take different amount of memory. Like, 
            Data type   Byte Bits
               short int    2      16         
unsigned short int    2      16   
         unsigned int    4      32  
                        int    4      32  
                 long int    4      32  
           signed char    1      08  
        unsigned char    1     08  
                      float    4      32
                   double    8      64
            long double   12    96

Depends on OS and hardware the number bytes required may get vary. 

int a=10;
int *p=&a;

In the above two statements,memory address of a is stored into the pointer variable. Say variable 'a' is stored at 1030 memory address. Hence pointer 'p' holds 1030. If we increment value of pointer like


then pointer will point to next memory location 1034. We will be able to access value present at 1034. Similarly, 


makes pointer 'p' to point 1050(assuming 1030 as initial address) i.e. p=1030 + 5*4. This is the way how pointer get effected.


  1. p is an int* so p++ will take it to 1034 and not 1032. Please update it, people may get confused.

  2. why unsigned int is taking 4 byte but only 16 bit hows it possible 4 byte =32 bit ...plz explain

    1. Thank u for indicating errors,satendra, there was typing mistake. It is corrected.


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