
                Variables are used for storing a value. When the variable is declared memory required by variable type will be allocated and all memory location are identified by an unique code called memory address. Variables are symbolic names provided to access the particular memory address. With this method user feels easy to store, access values from memory location. In certain situation this decreases the speed of execution. Hence another method i.e. is POINTERS are provided in C language.

                  POINTERS are also variables. The way how general variables are declared, in the same way we can declare it except the use of * (asterisk) sign that precedes the pointer-variable name. POINTERS are used to store the address some other variable. Through pointers we can access the value of variable whose address is stored in pointer. This is called indirect addressing method. With this execution of program increases and complexity of program can be reduced. Pointers use two special symbols namely,

  1. * (Asterisk)
  2. & (Ampersand)
* (Asterisk) : This operator is called as CONTENTS OF operator. 

& (Ampersand ) : This operator is called as ADDRESS OF operator.
